I find the hardest part of writing is just getting started.
They taught us in journalism class that the lead should cover all the information the reporter would need to write the article AND catch the media’s attention. That’s easy, right?
My writing process never starts with the lead. I found that the lead would come to me after I sketched out the other sections of the press release or article. My process is more like a free flow of ideas. I just start writing, capture the quotes I need then organize that jumble of sentences into what eventually becomes the article I have intended. And I edit. And edit. And edit. Through that process, the lead comes to me. It’s like placing the cherry on the top of the sundae.
But that is probably not the be
st way for everyone to create because it can be easy to wander off course. So, I suggest starting with an outline. In the outline list the sections you will need. You can always re-order them later. Next write down specific elements. Then start writing. It isn’t the quality of the first draft that matters, only that you’re writing.
And stick to it. When you feel like you need a break, write for five more minutes. You’ll probably crank out a few more sen
tences or make those crucial elements by not getting discouraged.
Finally proofread. I must read over my writing at least three or four times before submitting the final work. If you need a break, finish your work then come back and proofread. With fresh eyes you are more likely to find those mistakes or make an edit that really works.
Most importantly, write the way you like and like the way you write.